Brew according to your equipment. I think I've heard this somewhere before. Whether you are brewing on a budget, ready to upgrade to all grain brewing, or just like to experiment and find 5 gallon batches too large, a 4 gallon batch system may be the thing for you.

For me, I was ready to move toward all grain, and wanted to upgrade the equipment without breaking the bank; I needed to stay on a budget while piecing together my system. Generally the larger, the more expensive, especially with the brewing pots.
This all grain equipment, suited for 4 gallon batches, contains the following. 5 Gallon Carboy. 5 gallon drink cooler, Turkey Fryer with a 7 gallon brewpot.
These are the volumes throughout the stages of the all grain process.
- Water for the mashing, 7.5-8 gallons
- Mash = 3.5-4 (depending on the amount of grain, and limited to the room in the cooler)
- Batch Sparge = The difference between the runoff amount and 6 gallons is what will be needed, generally about the same 3.5-4 gallons as mash
- Preboil wort volume: 6 gallons
- Post boil volume is around 4.5 gallons
- Batch size, into the carboy = 4 gallons
This works well with for me. The 6 gallons leave about 3-4 inches left to the top of the boil kettle. Boil-overs are minimal and only at the beginning with the heat break (I do scrape the heat break material off). 4 gallons in the 5 gallon carboy leaves enough headroom too.
You too may find that 4 gallon batches will suit you and your equipment well.
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